When a corporation becomes bankrupt, its stock is of no value any more. 当一家上市公司破产的时候,它的股票就一文不值了。
The tax is assessed as a percentage of the assigned value of a corporation's capital stock. 此税是按公司股份总额的百分比予以征收。
Part two examines corporation law, contains stock corporation and limited corporation. 公司法主要介绍股份公司和有限公司的一些主要制度;
Publicly-owned Corporation A company whose stock is listed on a stock exchange and is usually owned by a large number of individual shareholders. 公有公司股票在证交所上市的公司,通常有大量私人股东。
The "basic" type of capital stock issued by every corporation often is called common stock. 每个公司发行股本的“基本”类型通常称为普通股。
A corporation may split its stock by increasing the number of outstanding shares of common stock and reducing the par or stated value per share in proportion. 一个公司可以通过分割其股票增加发行在外的普通股股数,并成比例降低每股票面价值或设定价值。
When the corporation sells capital stock and delivers stock certificates to the stockholders, the stock is said to be issued. 一旦公司售出股本,并向其持有者发出股权证,即为发行股票。
Closely-held corporation: a corporation whose stock is held by a small group, usually with an agreement that if a member of the group desires to sell any part of the ownership, it must first be offered to the other members of the group. 寡头控股公司:指由一个小集团拥有的公司,通常有一项协议,规定如果集团中某一成员想出售其任何一部分所有权的话,必须首先出售给集团中的其他成员。
Japan Business Automation Company Analysis on the Newest System of Corporation's Getting Own Stock in Japanese Law 日本商业自动设备股份公司公司取得自己股份:日本公司法典评析
A stock dividend is a pro rata distribution of additional shares of a corporation's stock to the stockholders. 红股是按照比例分配给持股人的公司股本的追加股份。不包括(下期股息或红利)分配〔
The writer discussed how to response to securities crime in the background of new system considering two trends in the development of securities market system, namely, financial mixed management and full circulation of state-owned stock and corporation stock. 新体制背景下,应结合证券市场体制发展的两大走向:金融混业经营与国有股法人股的全流通化,利用证券犯罪抗制作出回应。
The last step is to constitute the modern enterprise system, which is mainly consists of limited liability corporation and stock corporation. 最后,建立以有限责任公司和股份有限公司为主要组织形式的现代企业制度,采用现代公司治理结构的科学管理模式。
Corporation tide of stock exchange gives a new vigor to whole world, reinforcing rivalry solidify core status in securities market. 证券交易所公司化浪潮给全球证券市场带来了新的活力,极大地加强了交易所的竞争力,巩固了交易所在证券市场中的核心地位。但同时也对证券交易所自律监管角色提出了挑战。
The issue of announcement of listed corporations concerns the legal obligations to the shareholders of the corporation, society and stock market which impose on public limited liability corporations. 上市公司的公告问题,是作为上市公司的股份有限公司对于公司股东、社会以及证券市场所负有的法定义务。
Differentiating the subject of capital operation from assets running can help us understanding the differences between the nature and right of corporation legal body and stock right. 认识资产运营与资本运营主体的不同,有助于正确认识公司法人所有权和股权的权属与性质的不同。
Comparison research believes, to our state-own insurance corporation, that the stock should be rebuilt, agent institution be perfected and the corporation be listed. 比较研究认为,我国保险公司治理的出路是股权重构,完善委托代理制度,并推进公司上市。
Problems Existed in the Accounting Information Announcement of Corporation on the Stock Market and Mesures for Supervision 浅析上市公司会计信息披露存在的问题和管制措施
But at first, asset restructure of market corporation often display changes of corporation stock ownership structure. 而上市公司的资产重组则往往首先表现为公司持股结构的变化。
The managers of funds who want to gain excess return and realize their performance promises to investors, lean to exhume the over-speed pullulating corporation's stock. 基金经理偏向于发掘超速成长型公司股票,以期在整个熊市背景下,获得超额收益率,实现对投资者业绩的承诺。
The Analysis and Investigation about Main Model of Corporation Applying Stock Incentive to Practice in Our Country 我国企业实施股权激励主要模式的分析与研究
Second, the information of corporation financial state has not been reflect in the market price of corporation stock. 其次,我国证券市场股票价格不能反映上市公司的年度财务状况信息。
There is serious unbalance in Chinese capital market for a long time, especially between corporation bond market and stock market. 长期以来,中国的资本市场结构存在严重的失衡现象,尤以企业债券市场与股票市场结构不平衡为甚。
The author thinks the present organizational structure of china's law firm should be set up by such pattern as limited liability corporation, stock share company, practitioner's company, and partnership operated by company. 笔者认为,目前中国律师事务所的组织结构应设立如下几种模式:有限责任公司制,股份制、个人开业、公司化管理之合伙制。
To withdraw from the market, according to the legal requirements and the listing contract agreement, the government regulatory agencies or termination of listing Corporation stock exchange securities trading at a stock exchange qualification according to law, from a listing Corporation into a non-listed company. 退市,指根据法律要求和上市契约的约定,政府监管机构或证券交易所依法终止上市公司证券在证券交易所内进行交易的资格,即由二家上市公司变为非上市公司。
It is simple but abundant in connotation, and is usually used in the evaluation of stock value of the corporation to judge the stock price, risk and the prediction for the earning in the further. 它虽然简单但是却具有丰富的内涵,常常被应用于公司股票价值的评估当中,用以判断股票价格的高低、风险的大小以及对公司未来盈利的预测。
The problem is mainly reflected in four aspects: the special corporation type of the Stock Exchange does not match Chinese Civil Law theory, the Self-regulation authority is not clear, the Stock Exchange Self-regulation is lack of independence and the judicial intervention system is not incomplete. 主要有证券交易所具体的法人类型与我国民法理论不符、自律监管的权限不清晰、证券交易所自律监管的独立性不足以及司法介入制度不完善等几方面。
Listed Corporation in stock company is one of typical modern enterprise form, and takes on its characters compared with other company limited by shares. 上市公司是股份有限公司中最具代表性的现代企业形式,与一般股份公司相比,又具有自身的特点。
The paper mainly discusses the pertinence between accounting index of intangible asset and corporation value in our stock market. 本文主要探讨我国上市公司中无形资产规模及其构成与企业价值的相关性。